September 24, 2018 | Occasus | Issue 8 | Judges
DAVID BARRICK teaches creative writing and composition in English and Writing Studies at Western University. His poetry has been published (or is forthcoming) in The Fiddlehead, The Malahat Review, EVENT, The Antigonish Review, The Dalhousie Review, and other literary journals.
TOM CULL is the current Poet Laureate for the City of London, Ontario. Tom teaches creative writing at Western University and runs Thames River Rally, a grassroots environmental group that organizes monthly cleanups of the Thames River. Tom’s first full-length collection of poems, Bad Animals, was published by Insomniac Press in 2018. AARON SCHNEIDER is a Founding Editor at The /tƐmz/ Review. His stories have appeared/are forthcoming in The Danforth Review, Filling Station, The Puritan, Hamilton Arts and Letters, untethered, and The Maple Tree Literary Supplement. His story “Cara’s Men (As Told to You in Confidence)” was nominated for the Journey Prize by The Danforth Review. He runs the Creative Writers Speakers Series at Western University. His first book, Grass-Fed, is forthcoming from Quattro books in the fall of 2018. |