September 11, 2017 | Occasus | Issue 7 | Contributors
MICHELLE BALEKA is in her final year of the Honours Specialization in English Language and Literature and Creative Writing program. She has two publications, including “First Strains,” a short story published in the Spring 2015 issue of Symposium. She lives in London, Ontario with her two cats.
JENNY BERKEL is a poet and singer-songwriter from rural Ontario. In between playing concerts around the world, she studies English Literature & Creative Writing at the University of Western Ontario. SYDNEY BROOMAN is a fourth year Western student studying an Honours Specialization in English Language & Literature and Creative Writing. Her recent publications include Symposium, Semicolon, the Glitch edition of Iconoclast, and the Fall 2016 edition of Occasus. She is also Western's Student Writer in Residence for the 2017/2018 Academic year. JAMES GAGNON is a writer, and the co-editor for the online mental health publication, Western Mind, to which he contributes a considerable amount. He is a first year student enrolled in the Arts & Humanities faculty hoping to do an Honor's Specialization in Creative Writing and English Language and Literature. KEVIN HESLOP is a student of poetry and an English undergraduate at UWO. KATARINA HUELLEMANN is in her fourth year at UWO pursuing an Honours Specialization in Psychology with a Minor in Creative Writing. She was previously published in Occasus two years ago. MEGAN LEVINE is a second year student pursuing an Honours Specialization in Creative Writing and English Language and Literature, and a major in the School for Advanced Studies in the Arts and Humanities (SASAH). NATHAN LITTLE is doing a double major in Philosophy, and Social Justice and Peace Studies. ERICA MCKEEN is a writer of poetry and fiction, with a particular focus on the weird and twisted. Her work has appeared in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 issues of Occasus, multiple issues of The Quilliad, Minola Review, Shirley Magazine, and other publications. Her short story, 'Our Eyes, Our Tongue,' won the 2016 Lillian Kroll prize in creative writing. She has worked with the Toronto-based poet Catriona Wright in the event, 'Couplets,' a collaborative poetry reading series, in June 2017. KAELA MORIN is going into her fourth year of her Honours Specialization in English Language and Literature and Minor in Writing. CASSIA PELTON is a first year student in the Social Science faculty. Although she is not studying writing, it's a passion of hers. NOA RAPAPORT is a first-year student beginning an Honours Specialization in Political Science with a Minor in Philosophy. Although she is happy to write in any style – except, of course, essay style – her passion lies in writing creative nonfiction and short fiction pieces, where she draws inspiration from her own and others’ lives. JULIA ROOTH is a music student currently doing a minor in creative writing here at Western. Writing has always been a passion of hers, and pursuing writing in the future is something she would love. ELIZABETH SAK is entering her third year of university as a duel major in Honors Specialization Creative Writing & English Language and Literature, as well as Business. SHAUNA RUBY VALCHUK is pursuing an Honours Specialization in Creative Writing, English, Language, and Literature with a Minor in Popular Literature and Cultural Studies. She writes poetry on her off days and publishes it on her on days. NATHAN WRIGHT-EDWARDS is a student at Western University. KATE ZAHNOW is a third year Honours Specialization in Health Sciences major with a minor in Creative Writing. |