Scott Beckett is currently majoring in History and minoring in Creative Writing. His previous publications include The Rusty Toque (Issue 1) and Occasus (Issue 2). He is the 2013-14 the Student-Writer-in-Residence at Western University.
Nicole Blain is a first year Kinesiology student and this is her first publication. Jennifer Boswell has recently completed an Honours Bachelor of Science with a double major in Computer Science and Visual Arts Studio. Alex Carey is graduating this year with an Honours Specialization in English Literature and a Minor in Creative Writing. He received an honorable mention in the 2013 Alfred R. Poynt Award in the Department of English and Writing and volunteers as a reader and social media editor for The Rusty Toque. He is from Guelph, Ontario and he usually works at a summer camp for July and August, but now that he is graduating, he is looking for more boring and adult ways to earn a paycheque. Alexandra Carrillo-Hayley was Western's first Student-Writer-in-Residence in 2013. Caryn Cathcart rides horses. Elorah Fangrad writes news and opinion articles for Huron’s magazine, the Grapevine. Her short story “Moon Rock Candy” was published in Huron’s student-produced Grub Street. She hopes to reach the wider Western University audience through Occasus. Leah Hervoly gets most of her ideas for her stories from personal experiences, and she go anywhere without writing a mini story about it in my head, no matter how dull or uninspired the scene may be. Alison Knight is graduating with an Honours BA, an Honours Specialization in Media, Information and Technoculture, and a Certificate in Writing from Western University. She has written pieces for the Gazette, album reviews for Kerr Village Productions music, blogs for EcoLiving London, and articles for the charitable organization Cause Canada. This is her first literary publication. Mica Lemiski is a third year student at WesternUniversity. Hailey McCullough has just completed her fourth and final year at Western University with a Major in English Literature and a Minor in Creative Writing, and plans to pursue a Master's degree in Library and Information Science. She enjoys zombies, coffee, cats, and poutine. Kerrie McNair is a fourth year student majoring in Political Science, with a minor in Creative Writing. Her work has been published in Ditch and The Boiler Journal and she won the 2013 Alfred R. Poynt Award from The Department of English and Writing. She's a volunteer reader for The Rusty Toque. Alison Millington is a fourth year student in Honours Media, Information and Technoculture with a Minor in Creative Writing who is graduating this June. She has written for the student-led magazine The London Underground and has been published in the Barrie Advance newspaper. She is pursuing her MA in International Journalism in the fall at City University, London, England. Megan Muldoon is a fourth year Anthropology student at Western, taking a minor in Psychology and a certificate in Writing. Tom Prime has published work in Carousel and Ditch. Sama Rahimian is graduating with a double major in Film Studies and Sociocultural Anthropology, and a minor in Creative Writing. This is his first literary publication, but he has had two short films accepted at film festivals: "Nightcap" at the 2009 Western Undergraduate Film Festival, and "Check" at the 2012 Dawn Breakers International Film Festival. Andrew Shaw is a fifth-year student majoring in Philosophy and minoring in Creative Writing. Nicole Tan is a fourth year student in the Bachelor of Music program. She is taking a Certificate in Writing. |